Born in Kirkland Lake, Canada.
Currently living and working in London, UK.
1998-02 Diploma in Visual Art Studies, Ontario College of Art and Design, Toronto, ON.
1997-98 Foundation Studies Diploma, McMaster University/ DVSA, Hamilton, ON.
Solo Exhibitions
2021 Just Another Day In Paradise, Dopeness Art Lab, Taipei, Taiwan.
2016 Dark Matter, Corey Helford Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.
2013 Punchlines, KK Outlet, London, UK.
2013 Creepshow, The Cob Gallery, London, UK.
2008 On Sugar Mountain, Leslies's Gallery, Luxembourg, LU.
2008 Pleasure Island, Empire Gallery, London, UK.
2007 Ballads, MLIA Gallery, London, UK.
2005 Consumption Junction, Gallery Neubacher, Toronto, ON.
Selected Group Exhibitions
2015 Between Worlds, Corey Helford Gallery, Los Angeles, CA.
2014 Winter Salon, Kids of Dada, London, UK.
2011 Heart's Desire, Neubacher Shor Contemporary, Toronto, CA.
2011 Paste Modernism 3, Cockatoo Island, Sydney, AU.
2011 24/7, Lyons Wier Gallery, NY, NY.
2011 Inaugural Exhibition, Neubacher Shor Contemporary, Toronto, CA.
2010 Feminism In London, Aubin Gallery, London, UK.
2010 Epic Fail, Idea Generation Gallery, London, UK.
2010 Hammer Horror, Opus Art Gallery, Newcastle, UK.
2009 Revert To Type, Opus Art Gallery, Newcastle, UK.
2009 Return to Reason II, The Empire Gallery, London, UK.
2009 Black Market 2, Opus Art Gallery, London, UK.
2009 Group Show, The Garage CCC Moscow, London UK.
2009 LONDON LOVES…The way things fall apart, Galleria Aus 18, Milan, IT.
2008 Contemporary Painting, Opus Art Gallery, Newcastle, UK.
2008 Kounter Kulture, Opus Art at the Truman Brewery, London, UK.
2008 LoveArt, LoveBox Music Festival, London, UK.
2008 Mash Ups: Post-pop Fragments & Detournements, Kowalsky Gallery at DACS, London, UK.
2008 Group Show, MLIA Gallery, London, UK.
2007 Group Show, MLIA Gallery, London, UK.
2007 Dorian Gray Project Part 2: Happy Days, John Jones Gallery, London, UK.
2007 Group Show, The Empire Gallery, London, UK.
2007 Young Emerging Artists, Leslie's Art Gallery, Luxembourg, LU.
2005 S.S.K.A.A., Spoke Club, Toronto, CA.
2005 Summer Fling, Gallery Neubacher, Toronto, CA.
2005 Mix Blender 3, Mind Control Gallery, Toronto, CA.
2005 Spring Phantasm Show, 2/20 Gallery, New York, NY.
2004 Panorama, S.P.I.N. Gallery, Toronto, CA.
2004 Efficiency 2, Mind Control Gallery, Toronto, ON.
2004 Valley Boys, Gallery Neubacher, Toronto, CA. (2 Person)
2004 Monkey See Monkey Do, S.P.I.N. Gallery, Toronto, CA.
2004 Gallery Artists Group Show, Gallery Neubacher, Toronto, CA.
2004 The Parrot Project, Fran Hill Gallery, Toronto, CA.
2003 Supernumerary, The Fanny Larouche Artspace, Toronto, CA.
2003 Two Weeks in Autumn, Greener Pastures Contemporary Art, Toronto, CA.
2003 Instant Coffee, The Urban Disco Trailer, Toronto, CA.
2003 New Paintings, Gallery Death, Toronto, CA.
2002 The War Show, Art System, Toronto, CA.
2000 Hugs- A Show of Affection, Art System, Toronto, CA.
Selected Art Fairs
2012 TIAF, Toronto, ON.
2011 Pulse Miami, Miami, FL.
2011 KIAF, Seoul, KR.
2011 London Art Fair, London, UK.
2011 SCOPE New York, New York, NY.
2010 AAF Contemporary Art fair, Brussels, BE.
2009 SCOPE Miami, Miami, FL.
2009 Bridge Art Fair, New York, NY.
2008 SCOPE Miami, Miami, FL.
2008 AAF Contemporary Art fair, London, UK.
2006 SCOPE New York, New York, NY.
2005 SCOPE London, London, UK.
2005 Nova Young Art Fair, Chicago, IL.
2004 AAF Contemporary Art fair, New York, NY.
2004 [R][R][F] 2004--->XP, Biennale for Electronic Arts, Perth, Australia.
2004 SPACEMAKERS, Lothringer Dreizen, Munich, Germany. .
Brereton, R. and Roberts, C.: Cut & Paste - 21st Century Collage, Laurence King Publishing, September 2011, London, UK.
2010 Banking On People, A visual expression of the Standard Chartered Culture, page 61, London, UK.
2008 AAF Contemporary Art fair. London, UK.
2004 AAF Contemporary Art fair. New York City: Pier 92.
Selected Articles and Reviews:
Stouffer, H.: NATHAN JAMES' UNFORGIVING WORLD, Juxtapoz, 8 October 2013, web.
Kenoyer, J.: Creepshow Paintings by Artist Nathan James, Hi-Fructose, 23 August 2013, web.
Hill, M.: The Essential: Creepshow, T3 Magazine, Issue 26, June 2013, pages 43-44, London, UK.
Morrison, J.: Cover, Portland Mercury, Vol 13, No. 48, April 17-23 2013, Portland, OR.
Scott, A.: Nathan James Creates Pessimistic Pop, Chaos Magazine, 15 April 2013, web.
Tucker, M.: Huffington Post Picture of the Day, Huffington Post, 9 April 2013, web.
Frank, P.:ON OUR RADAR, Huffington Post, 4 April 2013, web.
Web Editor.:CREEPSHOW, A Series of Paintings by Nathan James, Juxtapoz, 4 April 2013, web.
Siddall, L:Creepy but excellent Condo-esque paintings from artist Nathan James will weird out your Wednesday, It's Nice That, 3 April 2013, web.
Web Editor:NATHAN JAMES’ ‘CREEPSHOW’: GLAMOUR MEETS HORROR, Umbrella Magazine, 30 March 2013, web.
Rayner, A.:Buzzed about painter cites Phaidon influence, Phaidon Blog, 30 March 2013, web.
Hutchinson, K.:Get the creeps at The Cob Gallery, Now Here This, Time Out, 25 March 2013, web.
Wallace, H.:Exhibition review: Nathan James – Creepshow at The Cob Gallery, The Upcoming, 22 March 2013, web.
Hazelton, C.:Nathan James and his Circus of Creeps: Perverts, John Wayne and Mickey Mouse, Flux Magazine, 21 March 2013, web.
Web Editor.: Nathan James Answers FAD's Questions, FAD Website, 10 March 2013, web.
Bell, S.:Creepshow by Nathan James, Rooms Magazine, 7 March 2013, web.
Phillips, J.:Nathan James 'Creepshow' @ Cob Gallery London 2013, The Entrepreneurs, Monocle Radio, Podcast no. 72, 27 February 2013, web.
Wilkes, R.:melting down the Golden Age of Hollywood..., We Heart, 18 February 2013, web.
Quirk. J.: NATHAN JAMES: CREEPSHOW, Monolith Magazine, 17 January 2013, web.
Cusack. J.: Nathan James: Riff Raff, Port Magazine, 21 November 2013, web.
Mills, J.: Post Adolescent Idealistic Phase, Wonderland Magazine, 2012, June, London, UK.
Fortmann, S.: POP UP!, Lodown Magazine, 2012, Issue 79, pages - cover, 112-116, Berlin, DE.
"Art Nation - Outpost Street Art", ABC Arts, Sydney, AU. Original Air Date: 18 November 2011.
Bopp, A.: Fenster zur (Kunst)-Welt; Schaufensterwettbewerb im Bahnhofsquartier - Interview mit Friedrich Gräfling, Panorama, Noble Magazin, February 2011, DE.
Kelleher, E.: Hang your investments on the wall, Money, Financial Times, 23 October 2010, page 8-9, London, UK.
Wall, E.: Graduate art: make an art of your investments, Personal Finance, The Telegraph, 19 August 2010, London, UK.
Waller, M.: Editorial, The Times, Thursday 15 April 2010, London, UK.
Bollen, G.: GizMag PdfMag #8, March 2010, Brussels, BE.
Semple, S.: Five To Watch: The New Art Pack,Who's Jack, Issue 28, page 57-58, Nov 2009, London, UK.
Brignall, M.: The Fine Art of Investing, Money, The Guardian, 22 August 2009, page 1, London, UK.
Mann, E.: *Semple, Things I’ve Made and Done, page 15, Stuart Semple Industries, March 2009, London, UK.
Russi, G.: London loves all' Aus 18, Time Out, Max Magazine, March 2009, Milan, IT.
Editor: Prints Are the Way to Go, Own Art Newsletter, Arts Council England, March 2009, UK.
Semple, S.: Art of England, October 2008, Issue 50, pg. 45, UK.
Probosch, A.: Stuart Semple and the Limitless Language of Art, Zoot Spots, Zoot Magazine, Summer 2008, Issue 11, pages 44-45, Lisbon, PT.
Fenn, D.: Reviews Reviews Reviews, Art, i-D Magazine, September 2008, Issue 291, page 286, London, UK.
Turk, G.: Mash-Ups, Art of England Magazine, September 2008, Issue 49, pages 5, 41, London, UK.
Coghlan, N.: Pop Art & Mass Culture, Aesthetica Magazine, August/September 2008, Issue 24, pages 3,30-32 London, UK.
Spero, J.: Mashups Preview,, Who's Jack, July 2008, page 67, London, UK.
Steffen, M.: Owespanorama, Radio 100.7 FM Luxembourg, Original Airdate: Monday 17 July 2008, 18.00h, Luxembourg, LU.
Chimienti, P.: Pop Art et réaliste à la fois, Le Quotidien, Thursday 5 June 2008, Culture, page 43, Luxembourg, LU.
Editor: Les dernières créations de Nathan James, Luxemburger Wort, Friday 6 June 2008, La vie culturelle, page 15, Luxembourg, LU.
Semple, S.: Art of England, June 2008, Issue 46, pg. 42, UK.
Arts Editor: The Guardian, The Guide, March 8-14 2008, pg. 38, London, UK.
Jaye, M.: Bethnal Scene, Arena Magazine, January 2008, page 47, London, UK.
Cimatti, G.: Jeunes et talentueux, Le Quotidien, Saturday 21 July 2007, Culture, pages 1, 37 et 39, Luxembourg, LU.
Becker, N.: Plein feu sur la jeune création, Luxemburger Wort, Thursday 19 July 2007, La vie culturelle, pages 13 et 16, Luxembourg, LU.
Boff, A.: stimuleight, East Eight, June 2007, London, UK.
Arts Editor: Time Out London, No. 1918, June 2007, pg. 44, London, UK.
Boff, A.: stimuleight, East Eight, May 2007, London, UK.
Smith, R.:through the eyes of..., Ukula Magazine , 2007, volume 3, number 2, London, UK.
"Art and Soul", ZeD, CBC Television, Original Air Date: 11 January 2005.
"Efficiency 2", Toronto [living], Rogers Television, 25 October 2004.
Terauds, J .: What's On, Toronto Star, Thursday, March 11th 2004, Toronto, ON.
Balzer, D.: Eye Candy, Eye Magazine, 2004, volume 13, issue 22, Toronto, ON.
Arts Editor: MIX Gallery Section, Mix Magazine, Spring 2004, pg.34-35, V29.4, Toronto, ON.
Hirshmann, T.: High Quality Quartet, Now Magazine, volume 23, No. 18, 2004, Toronto, ON.
Hirshmann, T.: Best of Toronto, Now Magazine, volume 23, No. 9, 2004, Toronto, ON.
Hirshmann, T.: Group Grope, Now Magazine, volume 23, No. 8, 2004, Toronto, ON.
Kostabi, M.: Inside the Mall Art World, Artnet Magazine, September 30th 2003, web
Corporate Collections
Bearbeech Capital Partners
Becher McMahon Capital Markets
North Central Positronics
MaxCapital Markets Ltd.
Standard Chartered
Zukerman Family Foundation